A Practical Guide to Yoga Mat Care: Insights from Repose Yoga Studio’s Heart

As the owner of Repose Yoga Studio and a devoted yogi, I’ve had the privilege of guiding countless students through the transformative power of this ancient practice. But there’s one essential element that often gets overlooked – the humble yet crucial yoga mat. These unsung heroes silently support our movements, holding the imprints of our efforts, our aspirations, and even our occasional struggles.

Personal Space, Personal Mat

Your yoga mat is more than just a piece of equipment – it’s an extension of your personal practice, a sacred space where you find your centre. This intimate connection means that respecting and caring for your mat is just as important as the poses you perform upon it.

One of the cardinal rules of mat etiquette is to never step on it with your shoes on. The dirt, grime, and wear that accumulates from outdoor activities can significantly shorten the lifespan of your mat and interfere with its energetic sanctity. Extend this same courtesy to others’ mats when practicing in a studio setting. Remember, these aren’t just communal props, but reflections of each student’s personal journey.

Routine Love

Just as you cultivate a regular yoga practice, maintaining your mat should be a consistent habit. After each session, give it a quick wipe down using a gentle, eco-friendly soap and water solution, or a mild vinegar mixture. This simple act isn’t merely about cleanliness – it’s about resetting the space, preparing it for your next practice.
Keeping your mat clean and well-cared for demonstrates your respect for the practice and the sacred equipment that supports it. It’s a small yet powerful way to honour the journey you’ve embarked upon.

Avoiding the Common Mistakes

Over the years, I’ve seen students make a few all-too-common mistakes when it comes to mat maintenance. The first is leaving it in the car, especially during the scorching summer months or bitterly cold winters. The extreme temperatures can wreak havoc on the mat’s material, causing it to become brittle, less supportive, and ultimately, less enjoyable to practice on.

Another common pitfall is having pets, particularly rambunctious puppies, in close proximity to your mat. These furry friends may see your sacred practice space as a mere chew toy, entirely unaware of its significance. To protect your mat (and your pup’s digestive system), be sure to keep it well out of reach.

Deep Cleaning: Beyond the Surface

While regular spot-cleaning is essential, there are times when your mat deserves a more thorough cleansing. Over the course of your practice, your mat accumulates far more than just sweat – it holds onto the energetic imprints of your experiences, both positive and negative.

Setting aside time for a deep clean allows you to refresh the essence of your mat, clearing away any stagnant or unwanted energies. This can be a profoundly cleansing ritual, leaving your practice space feeling rejuvenated and welcoming.

There are a variety of effective methods for deep cleaning, from soaking your mat in a diluted vinegar solution to using a dedicated mat cleaner. I’ve included at the bottom of this blog, a simple recipe to make your own yoga mat spray. Experiment to find the approach that works best for you and your mat’s material. Remember to rinse thoroughly and allow it to air dry completely before rolling it up for storage.

Mindful Storing

How you store your mat when not in use is just as important as how you care for it during your practice. Roll it up loosely, avoiding tight, compact folds that can damage the material over time. Find a cool, dry place to keep it, away from direct sunlight. This maintains the mat’s shape and energy, ensuring it’s ready for your next session.

Closing Thoughts

The way you treat your yoga mat is a reflection of how you treat yourself. It’s not just a piece of equipment – it’s a faithful companion on your personal journey of growth and self-discovery. Approach its care with the same love, respect, and attentiveness that you bring to your practice. In return, your mat will serve you faithfully, session after session, year after year.

Communal Mats at Repose Yoga

Of course, I understand that not everyone has the means or the space to invest in their own personal yoga mat, especially when just starting out. That’s why at Repose Yoga, we offer a selection of high-quality communal mats for our students to use during their practice. These mats are regularly sanitized and maintained to ensure a clean, safe, and supportive experience for all.

However, as your yoga practice deepens and becomes an integral part of your lifestyle, I encourage you to consider investing in your own personal mat. The connection and sense of ownership you’ll develop with your own mat can profoundly enhance your practice, helping you to feel more grounded, centred, and connected to the present moment.

I hope these insights have inspired you to approach your mat with a newfound appreciation and care. Remember, your practice is a journey, and your mat is a trusted companion along the way. Here’s to many more mindful moments shared between you and your beloved yoga mat.

Owner, Repose Yoga Studio

Homemade Yoga Mat Cleaner

For a refreshing and natural way to clean your mat, try this simple DIY yoga mat cleaner using DoTerra essential oils:


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 15 drops essential oil. For example, 10 drops of DoTerra Purify and 5 drops DoTerra Lemon essential oil


  1. In a spray bottle, combine the water and vinegar.
  2. Add the Purify and Lemon essential oils and shake well to blend.
  3. Spray the solution directly onto your yoga mat and wipe clean with a damp cloth or sponge.
  4. Allow the mat to air dry completely before rolling up for storage.

The Purify essential oil blend helps eliminate odours and cleanse the mat, while the Lemon oil provides a refreshing scent and natural cleaning power. This homemade solution is a gentle yet effective way to keep your yoga mat in prime condition.



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